Despite really meaning to carry on regular posts, somehow life took over again and it is months since I last wrote anything.
So, a quick synopsis of life Chez Pink Green. What can I tell you? We are all plodding on as normal - I'm very busy at school, as are the girls, Andy is still working shifts which has many pluses and a few minuses, and Bodie is still sleeping through most of the day, waking only at meal times and walk times. I've been on 3 school trips in the last few weeks and am doing 2 different jobs at school which is taking quite a bit of organising. The girls are busy with their trips, Brownie and Guide camps, music exams and (scariest of all) Secondary school welcome evenings. I'm finding it hard to believe that we have got to this stage of life already - it only seems like a few months since Grace started Primary School. She's so excited and desperate to go, which is great, but I'm not quite there yet!
One of the projects that has been taking up most of my time recently is the garden. When we had our kitchen extension last year our tiny postage stamp of a garden really suffered under the builders boots and heavy materials. So, this year we decided to get rid of the 'lawn' (such as it was) and replace it with gravel. And here it is...

We are going to sell the playhouse and replace it with a shed to house the bikes, and that is still in progress, but the rest is done, and I spent a very happy day at the Malvern Gardening Show picking out plants to fill the gaps with. Now all we need is some sun so I can enjoy it in all its glory whilst sipping Pimms and relaxing.
I've recently started something that I have always wanted to do - art classes. I have always been more 'crafty' than 'arty', but my friend Gail offered to give me some lessons and I have started going once a week, and the prospect of an afternoon of doing nothing but art is too much joy to express! I go with 2 very good friends to Gail's house and we laugh and create (and then laugh some more because we aren't very good yet!). It is such a tonic for the stresses of day to day life, and I can't recommend it highly enough.
This is a piece of work that I am using as a base for a canvas done in acrylics that I am starting after half term. I haven't done any drawing since I was at school doing Graphics GCSE, and I have a VERY long way to go, but I am quite proud of the things I have managed to create so far. Last term we also spent some time doing mosaics, and once I got over the trauma of breaking up perfectly serviceable crockery I had a ball doing this. The photo is rubbish because it is pouring with rain and I wanted to get this done while I had the time and motivation, and it is much brighter in real life. It is hanging on my kitchen wall and there is space for the next project that I am going to start after my canvas. Watch this space...!

Well, that's the last 4-5 months wrapped up in a nutshell. I haven't rambled on too much I hope, and I've left out heaps that I could have bored you with. Hopefully it won't be quite as long until my next post.
Until next time......
Cathy XX