Well, the red, white and blue has been out in force in Cheltenham (and the rest of the country, of course). We entered into the celebrations starting with a whole school picnic on the field, accompanied by the school orchestra, with all the children (and staff) dressed in the colours de jour. I went the whole hog and even did my toenails in honour!

Bodie decided he was feeling left out of all the celebrations (not being invited to the school one) and joined in our own Sunday afternoon tea party by donning a very regal and fetching crown.

Saturday was the scene of the Pub Pop-Up Vintage Fair, which was the highlight of the weekend for me if I'm honest. I met some lovely people, listened to some amazing live music, ate a fabulous barbecued hot dog and sold tons of stuff! I was really pleased with my stall, and I sold a huge range of things from jewellery and hair grips to the Brexton Hamper in the middle of this picture. I have to say it was a wrench to let it go - I get really attached to things, but it went to a really lovely lady who was thrilled with it.

As a result of the fair I have lots of new ideas and projects in the offing, including more of these fairs in various other pubs around Cheltenham. I am itching to get stuck in, but I'll have to wait a few days before any new plans are made - I'm off to sunny (?!) Cornwall for a few days. I feel I've earned a rest!

I hope you are all recovering from over indulging in cakes and scones over the weekend. I made two of these cakes - one for staff at school and one for us at home, and I have to say it was a triumph! The recipe is from BBC Good Food and can easily be adapted for everyday eating by just plonking the fruit on anyhow!
Cathy XX
PS Please excuse the crummy nature of these photos - they were taken on my iPhone rather than my camera.