I am back in blogging mode - 2 posts in a week! I finally cleared my bloglines backlog (although when I checked earlier it was back up to 25 already), and it is so nice to be back in contact with you all. Thank you for all your lovely messages welcoming me back - it is a bit nerve-wracking getting back into it as I wondered if you would all shun me for having deserted you for so long!
I had my first afternoon working in Ruth's class (Year 1) today which was fun, although I am still picking clay from underneath my finger nails. I am specifically helping with a little boy who has some fairly challenging behaviour, but I am also supporting the rest of the class. We are off on the class trip to 'Cattle Country' on Tuesday for the day, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for nice weather. It is only voluntary but it is brilliant experience and will help me either get a job or at least get on the NVQ course in September. Ruth seems to forget I'm there, and she is used to me being at school as I helped in her class last year too (I have done Reception class for over 3 years now).
I am waiting for the weather to pick up so I can go and check out my seeds at the allotment. There should be at least a few left after the birds and the mice have their fill - I always sow heaps with them in mind, and I am sure there will be weeds to deal with too. We have had 2 viewings on the house and have another one on Saturday so tomorrow will be spent tidying up - again. It seems to be never-ending. I have to admit I quite like my new stream-lined house, but you could still hardly class it as minimalist!
In a bid to clear the clutter I am putting some of my treasures on my website over the next week or two. I do find it hard to part with them all, but it does mean that I am creating space and cash to do it all again! I spent this morning taking photos of china in the brief moments that the sun shined, and have uploaded some of them. Please pop over to www.pinkgreencreations.com and see if anything takes your fancy. Don't forget that there is always free postage and packing within the UK. I am planning to put some more bits and bobs on, including some fabric (if I can bear to part with it) shortly.
My website has unfortunately but unavoidably taken a backseat over the last few months, but I am hoping to kick start it again and get change a few things too along the way. I have so many ideas in my head, but finding the time to translate them onto fabric and then cyberspace is proving tricky. I will persevere though. I love to sew, but I also love shopping, so I am going to be adding more vintage bits too. I have a friend who runs a jewellery business and I am going to get some sparkly bits from her to add to it too. It is all exciting, and I am fired up with enthusiasm again. Watch this space!!!
I must send a great big thank you to Driftwood for her amazing rhubarb cake recipe - I may never make another sort again. It was delicious (eaten before I could get the camera out!), and was a fab way of using up some of the mass of rhubarb that we have at the allotment. Sophie and I both pick heaps every time we go, but we can't keep on top of it all! I used to love dipping a stalk of rhubarb into an egg cup of sugar when I was a child, but my girls aren't keen. They eat most things spicy or strong tasting, but they aren't keen on sour. Andy and I are doing our best to plough through it all and I am going to give some away to friends (not on the blog though - it doesn't travel well!).
I haven't forgotten about my pay it forward pledge, and I will endeavour to get something out soon. Next week may not be the week, but hopefully it will be in the not too distant future! Now I'm not in paid employment at school I am back as Chair of Governors (I couldn't do both at the same time), and I am involved in interviews next Weds and Thurs, and then on Friday Sophie and I are going to the Malvern Spring Gardening Show. I went once with Andy and the girls and it was fab, so I am really excited about going again (this time without children so I can really explore the floral marquee without being covered in ice cream, as I was last time!). So, what with the school trip on Tuesday, next week is a write-off!
Hope you are all sunny, cheerful, and looking forward to the long weekend (for those of you in the UK), and the normal weekend (for the rest of you!).
Cathy XX