The reason for my blog silence recently is that I have been very busy working on my new branding and a new website, and it is now finally up and running!!! It has been a huge learning curve for me as I am not the most technically minded, but with the help of family, friends and forums I now have something I am really pleased with and can use as a base to build upon.
The website, should you wish to have gander, is called
So, as from today I won't be using typepad any more. My blog will be part of my website, so please add me to Bloglovin' and any other ways you have of following me. I am currently planning a proper blog overhaul and I am hoping to bring in regular monthly features and items as well as just my current waffle! Please let me know if there is anything you would like to read about, and I will add it to my list.
Hope to see you over there....